A Major Life event! Irish Baby Names:
If you have searched for an 'Irish baby name' then "Congratulations" must be in order and our section on Pregnancy Stages might prove helpful. Whether you are the mother or father of a new baby, a member of the family or a close friend you are sharing in a major life event and taking a serious interest in choosing a special baby name from one of the many Irish baby name's that are available.

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Click the following links for the complete selection of nearly 1,500 Irish Babynames to choose from! Still unsure? Then check out over 50,000 others available via the Index.

Irish Baby Boy Names
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Irish Baby Names Dictionary

Irish Baby Names: Information requested by our visitors 
In their search for an Irish baby name people become interested in researching their own surname or family and First Name. We have therefore included this information to meet the requests of our visitors.


Irish Surnames - Info requested by our visitors
In their search for Irish baby name's people become interested in their own surname or family name. We have therefore included this information to meet the requests of our visitors.

The oldest surname recorded anywhere in Europe can be found in historical records in Ireland dating back to the year 916. According to Friar Woulfe, an authority on Irish surnames, the first recorded fixed surname is O'Clery (Ó Cleirigh) detailing the death of Tigherneach Ua Cleirigh, lord of Aidhne in County Galway. Patronymics are of , relating to, or derived from the name of one's father or a paternal ancestor and this system of naming people played a part in the meanings and origins of Irish surnames. The term 'Ua', as in the above Irish surname Tigherneach Ua Cleirigh, was an early form of "O" meaning grandson (Tigherneach was therefore the grandson of Cleirigh). The prefix "Mac", meaning son of, was also used in Irish surnames, although these names were not always hereditary and could change according to a given name.

Ancient Irish Surnames
The oldest surnames were taken from occupations, tribal and from pre-Christian Gods. Unlike English surnames, very few surnames were derived from locations. Irish surnames tended to reflect ancestors or important historical figures.

The church & Irish Surnames
The influence of the Christian church from the 10th century then played a role in the origins and meanings of Irish surnames and these have survived the test of time. Irish surnames beginning with 'Kil' or 'Gil' derive from the Irish word 'Giolla', meaning follower or devotee. Irish surnames beginning with 'Mul' derive from the Irish word Maol meaning bald (this referred to the tonsure of monks)

Irish First Names

Irish Baby Names: The Importance of First Names!
We respond to our name throughout our lives. People associate us with our first name, it forms part of our identity. They help to distinguish us from one to another. Other people gain immediate and sometimes totally subconscious views of people, just from hearing a name they can therefore give us a distinct advantage in life, or conversely, a disadvantage! The choice of an Irish Baby name is, therefore, incredibly important. And those of us who choose a baby's name are taking on a responsible task! 

Irish Baby Names: The Origins of Irish baby names 
The origins of this these include place names, those related to mythology and history, origins from colours, plants and other types of nature, Fictional origins, historical origins, characteristic and religious origins. We then move on to the genre which can be classed as Descriptive, Place, Speciality and finally unique (or created name's). 

Irish Baby Names: Questions about Irish baby names! 
At one time or another most of us have posed some the following questions about our own names...

  • What does my name mean?
  • Why did my parents choose the name?
  • Are there any strong family connections to my name?
  • Where did my name originate?
  • Why was I given such a popular name?
  • Why was I given such an unusual name?

Irish Baby Names: What Irish baby name shall I give to my baby?
Will the traditional Irish baby name suit my baby? Will it be suitable throughout all life phases ( "A Name isn't just for a birthday - it's for life!"). Will it be appropriate throughout a full life cycle starting with baby - toddler - school child - teenager - young adults - parents - middle age - retirement and ending with old age. Will it suit a pensioner as well as a baby? Will the schoolchild be teased mercilessly about a name? What will your baby think of your choice?

Irish Baby Names: Help is at hand when making a choice!
The various sections included in www. babynames. org. uk accessed via the Site Map will provide answers to all of your questions regarding the choice of first names. And our exclusive Name Evaluator will help you avoid any of the many pitfalls!

Irish Baby Names: Want to know more?
Further information about surnames and Genealogy can be found by clicking the following links:



Irish Baby Names

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